Who do I complain to about a private college or education provider?

Do you have a problem with a private college or education provider? Below explains who to go to depending on your circumstances.

The role of regulators

If you have a complaint about a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), there may be a number of regulators that can handle your complaint. However, regulators do not act as a student advocates for individual students. Rather, regulators use information reported through complaints to help them investigate and enforce the regulations that apply to RTOs.

To find out whether your training provider is an RTO, check the national register.

The National Training Complaints Hotline

If you have a complaint or query about a course or RTO you can call the National Training Complaints Hotline on 13 38 73 (Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm nationally) or via email at skilling@education.gov.au. The hotline refers complaints to relevant regulators.

However, if you want to contact regulators directly you can use our flow charts below.

Training regulators

Every Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in Victoria is regulated by either ASQA or VRQA. The national register of RTOs can be found here. The flow chart below will help you to determine which regulator applies.


Other regulators

Depending on the nature of your complaint, you may also wish to send the complaint to some or all of the regulators below:


Where to send your complaint

Australian Competition & Consumer Commission


Make a complaint online at:


Make an anonymous complaint by calling: 1300 302 502

Australian Skills Quality Authority


Make a complaint online at: http://www.asqa.gov.au/complaints/complaints.html
Consumer Affairs Victoria


Make a complaint using the general complaint form:


Commonwealth Department of Education & Training


Students should in the first instance lodge their complaint with the RTO through their documented grievance process. If the matter is not resolved through this process then Email your complaint to: TSEnquiries@education.gov.au
Overseas Student Ombudsman


Make a complaint online at: http://www.oso.gov.au/making-a-complaint/


Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Fill out the complaints form at: http://www.education.vic.gov.au/about/contact/Pages/compliancecomplain.aspx


Send the completed form to vtg.feedback@edumail.vic.gov.au or post it to:
Deputy Secretary, Higher Education and Skills Group
c/o- Executive Director, Training Market Operations
GPO Box 4367
Melbourne, Victoria 3001


Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority Make a complaint online at: http://www.vrqa.vic.gov.au/StateRegister/Public.aspx/LodgeComplaint


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