
Consumer Action aims to deliver high quality professional services and is committed to maintaining our responsiveness to the needs and concerns of our clients.

We welcome feedback and will handle complaints in a fair and open way. We are committed to addressing any issues raised within a reasonable timeframe. We are committed to:

• treating complainants with respect
• making our complaints process accessible
• handling complaints in a fair and open way
• finalising complaints in a reasonable timeframe
• providing reasons for decisions
• protecting the privacy of complainants
• ensuring there is no detriment for making a complaint.

What is a Complaint?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to Consumer Action where a response is sought, reasonable to expect or legally required.

The subject matter of a complaint can include, but is not limited to:

      • Client services
      • Actions or decisions
      • Inaction or delay
      • Policy or processes
      • Staff behaviour.

Who can make a complaint?

Anyone can make a complaint to Consumer Action. This includes:

      • A person who is not directly affected or impacted
      • A person acting on behalf of another
      • Anonymous complaints

Consumer Action will reasonably assist a person who might find it difficult to set out their complaint.

While Consumer Action will consider a complaint made anonymously or on behalf of another person there may be limitations on providing a response. This can be to protect a client’s privacy, or because of a lack of available information.

The clients using Consumer Actions services are often experiencing vulnerability or disadvantage. The Consumer Action Board and Management are responsible for ensuring staff are provided training on the needs of persons experiencing vulnerability and about mental distress and its effects on behaviour.

Consumer Action acknowledges that cultural differences can affect perceptions of conduct as being reasonable or unreasonable. Consumer Action acknowledges the importance of providing staff with training on diversity and cultural awareness.

How can a complaint be made?

Complaints can be made to any staff member. A complaint can be made in writing, over the phone, in person, by email, through a survey or through Consumer Action’s online contact form.

Process on receipt of a complaint.

Acknowledgement of all complaints will be provided within 3 business days of receipt. CALC will advise the complainant who is responsible for investigating and responding to the complaint made.

In some cases CALC will also be required to notify our funding body that a complaint has been received.

Outcome of the Complaint.

The outcome of the complaint will be provided to the complainant within 14 days. If the outcome is unable to be provided within 14 days the person managing the complaint shall provide the complainant with an estimated timeframe. The outcome of the complaint can be provided orally or in writing.

The outcome will include confirmation of the issue that was investigated, reasons for the decision, and actions being taken (to the extent possible) taking into account commercial, privacy and confidentiality considerations. Examples of information that might not be provided includes financial information, correspondence with other parties, and private staff information.

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