Consumer Action responds: Parliamentary Inquiry into Retirement Housing

Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) has responded to the establishment today of a Parliamentary Inquiry into the retirement housing sector. The inquiry will be heard by the Legal and Social Issues Committee in the Victorian Legislative Council.

Quotes attributable to Director Policy and Campaigns, Denise Boyd

“Older Victorians have received a shot in the arm today with the establishment of a Parliamentary inquiry into retirement housing.”

“Our case work in retirement housing shows a real need for sector reform, particularly in the area of dispute resolution. Older Victorians have demanded access to dispute resolution that is quick, fair and free. Too often they are let down by the tribunal process in VCAT when housing problems arise.”

“The debate in the Council showed that there are politicians of all parties willing to tackle the problems that retirement housing residents face. The support given by Consumer Affairs Minister Jane Garrett and Minister for Aging Martin Foley gives the inquiry real weight. We are also strongly encouraged by the bipartisan support from the Shadow spokesperson for Consumer Affairs, Russell Northe, and the Member for Northern Metropolitan, Fiona Patten.”

“Colleen Hartland and Ellen Sandell should be commended for their leadership in bringing this motion to Parliament. Consumer Action looks forward to telling our client’s stories at the inquiry.”

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