Evaluation of Casework Service

The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the effectiveness of the service in helping clients achieve these immediate and longer-term outcomes and to make recommendations for service improvement.

A secondary purpose was to offer follow-up assistance to clients who may need it.

The evaluation focused on clients we had assisted with representation and casework in about the last year. To be eligible for interview, a client’s file must have been concluded in the nine months to 31 March 2019.

This was a mixed-methods evaluation, involving two main methods of data collection: reviewing client records, including demographic data; and in-depth, qualitative interview with clients over the phone.

We sought to make sense of the data in a collaborative way by facilitating workshops with the lawyers who deliver the service. They considered the synthesised evaluation data and helped to contextualise and understand the picture it was painting. The workshop discussions significantly informed both the conclusions and recommendations of this report.



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