Consumer Action statement on the referendum result

The referendum result is incredibly tough for our First Nations staff, stakeholders and First Nations people across the country. Consumer Action feels deep disappointment and concern about the message that has been sent to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, as it runs counter to reconciliation, which is central to our core values.

The Voice referendum defeat and the No campaign narrative is in sharp contrast to the warm generosity of the invitation in the Uluru Statement of the Heart. Still, somehow, Aboriginal elders are reflecting on the hope of the yes campaign, and the groundswell of support felt from allies across the country. We will take up their call, and as a steadfast ally, stand up even higher for recognition and respect of First Nations people.

The result of the referendum does not diminish in anyway our  commitment to justice, truth telling, reconciliation and unity. We must continue to work together, and harder, to address the historical injustices faced by our First Nations peoples and strive for a more inclusive and equal Australia.

While disappointed with the result of this referendum, we are confident in our collective ability to learn and progress, and celebrate our First Nations friends and communities, and their beautiful 65,000 year culture.


Media contact: Mark Pearce, Media and Communications Adviser, 0413 299 567,



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