Fixed benefit periods notification obligations for energy retailers – Draft Decision

Consumer Action appreciates the Essential Services Commission working towards better outcomes from the energy market with a focus on the long-term interests of Victorians. We support the proposed changes to the Energy Retail Code (ERC) expressed in the ESC’s draft decision, Fixed benefit periods notification obligations for energy retailers (Draft Decision). That said, we believe these are only a small step towards the significant reform needed to overcome issues faced by consumers in the energy sector.

Our organisation previously submitted substantial feedback to the AEMC National Energy Retail Amendment (Notification of the end of a fixed period) Rule Change Consultation Paper, which considered the same policy proposal now being mooted by the ESC, through the Draft Decision. We attach that submission as an appendix to this letter, noting that it adequately expresses our feedback on this Victorian-focused Draft Decision. The submission to the AEMC explores the context of the issue that the Draft Decision seeks to address and while it supports the proposal being made, also recommends further solutions that would be more effective.

Read the full submission [PDF]

Read our submission to the AEMC on the rule change [PDF]

171205 Submission in response to ESC fixed benefit periods notification obligations for energy retailers draft decision


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