PODCAST: Hannah Dodd’s advice for Consumer Action’s next Managing Lawyer ‘be kind’

Hannah Dodd, Consumer Action’s Managing Lawyer talks about her nearly five years at CALC, and what she is looking forward to in her new role at Australian Financial Complaints Authority.

She talks very openly about her experience at Consumer Action, the highs and the stresses of what it was like working during the COVID lockdowns.

CALC does good work because it lives its values.

“I’ve never worked in an orgnisation where everyone doing their jobs understand so well the purpose of their roles and how they fit with everyone else,” she says.

Her main piece of advice to the person who succeeds her as Managing Lawyer, ‘be kind.’

This podcast was recorded on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nations. A full transcript is available on request, contact media@consumeraction.org.au

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