Submission: AEMC’s review of electricity customer switching options paper

Consumer Action supports the Commission undertaking this review and we agree that timely and accurate transfer processes can “support customer choice” and “confidence” in the competitive retail market. Delayed transfer times can impact on a consumer’s understanding of the market, particularly when they receive bills from their old retailer and not their new retailer. It is not only consumer confusion and confidence that is affected, however, but financial detriment can occur, such as bill shock if a bill is delayed or if a consumer receives multiple bills at once. Detriment can also occur should price rises under a new contract be imposed before a consumer has had the opportunity to receive the benefits of a new contract. The joint Consumer Action and Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre Rule Change application, if accepted, will address this particular issue.

A full copy of our submission is available by clicking: AEMC’s review of electricity customer switching options paper

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