What type of financial support is available for people who have lost homes or income due to the Victorian bushfires?

Here is a list of financial payments available to support people who have lost their homes or their income as a direct result of the 2019-2020 bushfires in Victoria.

This is not an exhaustive list and doesn’t include the many non-profit organisations that are providing support to people affected by the bushfires.



Australian Government DHS Disaster Recovery Allowance

This is a short-term payment if a declared disaster directly affects your income.

How much is available? Maximum payment is equivalent of Newstart or Youth Allowance. For example, for single adults with no children, the max. payment is $559 per fortnight.
When can you access payment? Payable from the date you lose income as a direct result of the Victorian bushfires.
How long is the payment available? Maximum 13 weeks
Eligibility criteria
  • 16 years or older and not a dependent child
  • Australian resident or eligible visa
  • Earn income in an affected LGA or live in an affected LGA
  • Income is lost as a direct result of the bushfires
  • Must earn less than $1060.67 in a fortnight after the loss of income (single adult with no children. See other thresholds here)
  • Cannot claim other income support payments while claiming this payment
How to claim


Australian Government DHS Disaster Recovery Payment

A one-off payment to help you if a declared disaster significantly affects you.

How much is available? $1000 for adults; $400 for each child under 16 years
When can you access payment?
How long is the payment available? One-off payment
Eligibility criteria
  • be an Australian resident or hold an eligible visa
  • be 16 years or older at the time of the fire or getting a social security payment
  • have not already received an Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment for the Victorian Bushfires, December 2019
  • you need to have been adversely affected by the fire. For example: you have been seriously injured, your home has been destroyed, your immediate family member has died
How to claim
  • Must claim before 30 June 2020 for the following LGAs:
    • East Gippsland
    • Towong
  • Call DHS on 180 22 66 (131 202 for languages other than English)
  • You will need to provide ID (can be provided up to 28 days after lodging a claim)


Victorian Government DHHS Emergency relief assistance

A one-off payment to help meet immediate needs, including food, shelter, clothing, medication and accommodation.

How much is available? $560 per adult; $280 per child (max. $1960 per eligible household)
When can you access payment? Available up to seven days after the emergency event
How long is the payment available? One-off payment
Eligibility criteria A needs assessment is carried out by a Personal Hardship Assistance Officer to determine eligibility.
How to claim


Victorian Government DHHS Emergency re-establishment assistance

Payment to support people re-establish their homes as quickly as possible.

How much is available? Max. is $42,250 per household
When can you access payment?
How long is the payment available? One-off payment
Eligibility criteria
  • Your home must be uninhabitable or inaccessible for more than 7 days because of a natural disaster.
  • You must meet income-tests
  • Your losses or damage must not be covered in part or in whole by insurance.
How to claim



NAB Disaster Relief Fund

For NAB customers who have lost their homes can access grants to help cover temporary accommodation, food and clothing.

How much is available? $2000 grant
When can you access payment?
How long is the payment available? One-off payment
Eligibility criteria
  • Current customer or employee of NAB Group. (For customers: need to have been a customer on or before 2 January 2020 and hold at least one active account
  • Have lost your primary place of residence during the current bushfire season (rent or own) – meaning that the property is no longer in a liveable condition
  • One grant per household (a household is defined as an address)
  • Only available for primary residences, not for investment properties
How to claim Call NAB on 1300 683 106


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