A joint submission to the Electricity Distribution Price Review (2022-2027 Victorian EDPR)

Affordable electricity remains critical for vulnerable Victorians and a lack of energy affordability denies people sufficient access to an essential service. Further, high energy costs are a major cause of financial stress for many and can lead to further debt. As a result, Consumer Action recently joined a group of Victorian community organisations in making a joint submission to the Electricity Distribution Price Review (2022-2027 Victorian EDPR).

We have prepared this joint submission to represent the interest of consumers, and especially vulnerable households, in the upcoming Victorian electricity distributors’ revenue period, recognising the importance of distribution spending in maintaining an affordable and sustainable electricity supply.

Brotherhood of St Laurence, Renew, Victorian Council of Social Service, Consumer Action Law Centre, Council on the Ageing (Victoria), St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria, Uniting and Yarra Energy Foundation are signatories to this submission.

Our recommendations are informed by research undertaken through an Energy Consumers Australia (ECA)-funded project. Analysis was undertaken by Headberry Partners –the detailed analysis informing this submission is included as the second part of this document.

Read the full Submission here (PDF) or below:

Victorian Community Organisations EDPR 2022 Submission to Initial Proposals (1)

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