AEMC National Energy Retail Amendment (Preventing discounts on inflated energy rates) Rule 2018 Consultation Paper

The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) National Energy Retail Amendment (Preventing discounts on inflated energy rates) Rule 2018 Consultation Paper (The Consultation Paper).

We do not support the rule change request and the AEMC’s initial position. The Consultation Paper outlines a rule change that will be completely ineffective at addressing a multitude of issues that have been identified with energy retailer’s conditional discounting and marketing practices. If the rule change is enacted, people struggling to make ends meet throughout the NEM will still be charged unfair prices and additional penalties disguised as lost ‘discounts.’ In fact, offers in the market may become more confusing and retailer marketing practices will be less aligned with the national electricity and gas market objectives.

Read full submission here [PDF]


180417 SUB CALC AEMC Preventing Inflated Discounts
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