Role of LIV in regulation of the profession: Submission

In the June edition of the Law Institute Journal, the Law Institute of Victoria asks “who should regulate the profession”? It is the view of consumer and community lawyers that any modern regulatory...

Andrew Leigh and Labor announce beefed up ACCC

Today at a media conference with Labor's Andrew Leigh, Consumer Action Law Centre's Gerard Brody called out current penalties under the Australian Consumer Law as "inadequate". The following commen...

Australian Consumer Law Review – submission

The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Consumer Law Review—Issues Paper (Issues Paper). The Review is highly anticipated and offers a...

AER Electricity Ring-Fencing Guideline

Ring-fencing is undertaken when a monopoly business also operates in a contestable market, and some form of functional separation is deemed necessary to ensure the market remains competitive. Read...

Lawyers and Referrer Conflict—an underrated risk

The risk of a conflict of interest can arise in some arrangements where lawyers have a relationship with a party from which they receive regular client referrals. The extent of this conflict of intere...

Good enough for Google. Good enough for Australia.

Google’s decision last week to ban the advertisement of payday loans demonstrates that the world is moving against the proliferation of payday loans. It is Australia’s turn to show leadership and clam...

Consumer groups welcome a stronger ASIC

Consumer groups CHOICE and Consumer Action Law Centre welcome today’s announcement of new funding and powers to protect consumers of financial services. In 2014-15 ASIC’s budget was reduced by $120...

Payday loans the next financial disaster A financial disaster is looming unless there is an urgent response to expert recommendations to clean up payday loans and consumer leases. As pressure...

Vendor terms and rent-to-buy schemes

Vendor terms or 'rent-to-buy' schemes promise to help you buy property when you don’t have the income, savings or credit history to get a regular mortgage. Often there’s a broker or agent who advertis...

Debt Management Firms Communiqué

Around forty representatives from consumer advocacy organisations, industry associations, ombudsman schemes, government agencies and regulators met in Melbourne on 18 February 2016 to discuss the soci...

Access to Justice Review

The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the Access to Justice Review. We have provided responses to specific relevant questions raised under each...

‘Debt vultures’ in the spotlight

Australians live with over $1 trillion in personal debt, according to recent data from the Reserve Bank of Australia. That’s a staggering figure that should have economists, legislators and regulators...

Draft Life Insurance Code of Practice

Joint submission with Financial Rights Legal Centre and Financial Counselling Australia to the draft Life Insurance Code of Practice. Read the full report here [PDF]...

Submission: SACC Review Interim Report

Consumer Action has made its submission in response to the SACC Review Interim Report. We continue to push for tighter regulation on payday loans and consumer leases, which have been shown to cause si...