Minimum Standards for Rental Properties and Rooming Houses

Consumer Action Law Centre, with Financial Counselling Victoria,
the Federation of Community Legal Centres (FCLC), Anika Legal, Westjustice and Community Information & Support Victoria (CISVic), strongly supports the introduction of the new proposed minimum standards for rental properties.

These standards are crucial in ensuring a safe and liveable home.
The dynamics of a tenancy can put a renter at a significant power imbalance with respect to their landlord, meaning a renter is less likely to exercise their rights and request repairs for fear of repercussions. This dynamic is referenced in the Issues Paper, is illustrated through our case studies below, and is likely amplified in Victoria’s housing crisis.

In this context, mandatory standards around safety and energy efficiency are good policy for the health and wellbeing of a very large proportion of our population

Read the full submission (PDF).

20240715 Energy Efficient Minimum Standards for Rental Properties and Rooming Houses

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