Submission: ATM fees in selected very remote Indigenous communities
Consumer Action has supported the ACCC's draft determination on the Australian Bankers' Association (ABA) proposal to reduce ATM fees in selected very remote Indigenous communities. Financial Counsel...
Submission: Proposed regulations for the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protections) Bill
Consumer Action has made a submission to the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department on proposed regulations for the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protections) Bill. This submission discusse...
Joint submission: Regulation of water retailers’ Debt Management Powers Consultation Paper
The Consumer Action Law Centre, Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre, Victorian Council of Social Services, Community Information and Support Victoria, Uniting Care Kildonan, National Seniors Australia,...
Submission: Response to draft regulations to support the Consumer Credit Enhancements Bill 2012
Consumer Action welcomes the opportunity to comment on Regulations to support provisions in the Consumer Credit Legislation Amendment (Enhancements) Bill 2012. Briefly, we have serious concerns about...
Submission: review of limited merits review discussion paper three
This submission responds to the Third Consultation Paper of the Expert Panel reviewing the Limited Merits Review regime for energy regulatory decisions. Read our submission: submission to Limited mer...
Submission: Key facts sheets for home building and home contents insurance policies
Consumer Action welcomes the opportunity to comment on the draft Key Facts Sheets for home building and home contents insurance policies. Consumer Action continues to strongly support the introductio...
Submission: ASIC Consultation Paper 178 and ASIC’s draft good practice guidance on advertising credit products and services
Consumer Action strongly supports draft Regulatory Guide 234. In particular we support ASIC's position that advertisements should give clear, accurate and balanced messages and allow consumers to make...
Joint submission: Allowance payments for jobseekers
Consumer Action and the Consumer Credit Legal Centre NSW welcomes the opportunity to comment on the inquiry into the adequacy of the allowance payment system and related issues. This submission respo...
Submission: Parliamentary inquiry into Do Not Knock Register Bill
Consumer Action's submission to this inquiry argues that door-to-door sales causes widespread consumer detriment, hinders market competition, and that greater consumer protections are desperately need...
Submission: Review of grocery unit pricing
Consumer Action believes unit pricing is, and will continue to be, an appropriate regulatory mechanism and appears to create a number of direct and indirect benefits to consumers and competition, at r...
Submission: Reforming Contract Law
This submission in response to the Commonwealth Government's discussion paper on the scope to reform Australian contract law. The submission: highlights the significance of consumer contracting (wh...
Submission: Inquiry into the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Bill 2012
The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) welcomes the opportunity to comment on Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Bill 2012. Our submission concerns the changes relating to cre...
Media release: Time to build new consumer protections from the bottom up
In its response to a Victorian Government consultation paper, Consumer Action urged the Government to take decisive action, arguing small reforms around the edges would do little to help consumers see...
Submission: Submission to the Victorian Government’s consultation on the domestic building consumer protection framework
Broadly, this submission: argues that the nature of domestic building transactions mean that specialised and strengthened consumer protections are required; recommends that the entire consumer prot...
Submission: Barriers to effective climate change adaptation – the role of insurance
In this submission to the Productivity Commission's draft report on Barriers to Effective Climate Change Adaptation Consumer Action argues against the Commission's assessment that subsidising flood in...
Submission: Single pricing legislation – proposal to exempt restaurants and cafes
On 7 May 2012, the Hon. Michael O'Brien MP and the Hon. Anthony Roberts MP wrote to Consumer Action inviting it to comment on the proposal to exempt restaurants and cafes from national single pricing...
Submission: Response to Commonwealth Government discussion paper on reducing reliance on payday lending
This submission: Expresses significant concerns with the way the payday lending problem is framed in the discussion paper. In particular, we do not agree that high-cost short-term lending is a neces...
Submission: Review of the Limited Merits Review Consultation Paper Two
Consumer Action’s response to the Review of Limited Merits Review Regime's Consultation Paper 2, Additional Statement of Issues and Questions. To read our submission please click here: Submission to...
Submission: Inquiry into the post-GFC banking sector
This submission makes the following brief points: that the development of an independent measure of the cost of bank funding (including offshore wholesale funding, and deposits), regularly reported...
Submission: Inquiry into the post-GFC banking sector
Rather than responding to each point of the Committee's terms of reference, this submission makes the following brief points: that the development of an independent measure of the cost of bank fundi...
Submission: Productivity Commission’s Regulatory Impact Assessment benchmarking study
This submission argues that the Regulatory Impact Assessment process could be improved if government agencies had more guidance on how to assess the benefits of regulation and the less tangible impact...
Submission: Proposed amendments to the Consumer Credit and Corporations Legislation Amendment (Enhancements) Bill 2011
In brief, this submission recommends: With regards to hardship variations that Government consider providing detailed guidance to credit providers, perhaps through ASIC, to assist them to better a...
Joint submission: Consumer protections for users of payday loans
The following is a joint submission in response to Treasury's April 2012 discussion paper on proposed reforms to Small Amount Credit Contracts. This submission has been prepared by Consumer Action La...
Submission: Australian Energy Market Commission, Market Review, Power of Choice (Stage 3 DSP Review)
This review is about 'enabling consumers to make informed choices about the way they use electricity can help achieve efficient investment'. Consumer Action agrees that there are opportunities to impr...