Justice submission

The National Legal Assistance Partnership Review

The community legal sector’s work would not be possible without stable, indexed NLAP funding. This is a critical part of specialist community legal centres’ (CLC) baseline resourcing, now and into the future. We have felt the impact of the broad based decreases in sector funding identified in the Issues Paper, particularly as the real costs of service provision have increased.

We call on the Government to increase community legal centre funding under the NLAP to enable us to continue to provide frontline services and undertake systemic advocacy and law reform.

Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) is one of dozens of specialist CLCs in Australia that have a vast range and variety of expertise. Specialist CLCs make a unique contribution through expert advice, collaboration and capacity building with local support services and evidence informed advocacy. This submission focuses on Consumer Action’s activities and achievements as an example of the role specialist CLCs play in addressing legal need and improving outcomes for Australians.

Read the full submission (PDF).

2023-10-27 Consumer Action NLAP submission


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