Royal Commission

Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Finance Sector – Submission on Round 4 Hearings (Case Studies)

Consumer Action Law Centre has published its submission to the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Finance Sector following the Round 4 hearings on issues affecting Australians who live in remote and regional communities, which relate to interactions between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and financial services entities.

This submission responds to case studies presented during the Round 4 hearings, including Tracey Walsh’s case study. Consumer Action has provided legal advice and representation and support to Ms Tracey Walsh, an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander woman living in Victoria, who gave evidence during the Round 4 hearings of her experiences dealing with ACBF.

Read the full submission here [PDF]

(Updated – cosmetic changes 17/07/2018)

20180713-CALC-Submission-to-Royal-Commission-Round-4-T-WALSH (with title)

You can read our submission in response to the Round 4 general questions here.

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