Direct Share Purchasing Corporation – defence kit

This self help kit was written at a time when Direct Share Purchasing Corporation had sued a number of consumers.  Changes to the law have made it unlikely that consumers will see these types of cases...

Report: The Hidden Cost of ‘Rent to Own’

We’ve all seen adverts promoting ‘Rent to Buy’ or ‘Rent to Own’ arrangements, where customers rent a product for a number of years before being given the option to buy or keep that product, but our la...

How do I get more information about my loan?

Key points: If you are a borrower, mortgagor, or guarantor, under most consumer credit contracts the creditor is obliged by law to give you: your credit contract, mortgage, or guarantee; acco...

Cancelling a direct debit on a statement account

Key Message: You can cancel a direct debit from your bank account (not a credit card); Get advice about the consequences of not paying a debt before you stop payments. What is a direct debi...

Bank Fees Refund Scam

Use this Fact Sheet if: You have received an unsolicited phone call from someone claiming to be from Consumer Action or a similar organisation; AND They claimed that the bank has overcharged y...

Nimble one cent loan could be setting you up to fail

A recent report looking at use of short-term cash loans showed half of borrowers interviewed had taken out more than ten loans in the previous two years, and three quarters of this group had taken out...

ASIC’s strong action against Zaam Rentals welcomed

Consumer Action is pleased to see ASIC take strong action against credit licence holder Zaam Rentals – the cancellation of Zaam Rentals’ credit licence should act as a warning to other credit provider...

Revised Code of Banking Practice

Today marks the beginning of the revised Banking Code of Practice. The Code specifies how banks should treat their customers and represents a contract between the two parties, giving banking customers...

Consumer InterAction – Issue 1 of 2013

The first edition of Consumer InterAction for 2013 is now online. This edition features articles on: Proposed VCAT fees increases; Unfair contract terms extended to insurance industry; R...

Submission: Consumer lease reform

Consumer Action has made a submission to Commonwealth Department of Treasury on cost disclosure and termination fees in consumer lease contracts. The submission argues that: there is no difference...

July 2012

Home help has strings attached The Age, 25 July 2012, John Kavanagh Unpaid power bills going up The Age, 17 July 2012, Rachel Wells Avoid the stress zone on your home loan Sydney Morning Hera...

June 2012

Thrifty moves for plastic users The Age, 27 June2012, Clancy Yeates Warning as banks try hard-sell approach to credit card customers Herald Sun, 19 June 2012, Karina Barrymore Millions of Aust...