Media release: Do Not Knock campaign has another win

Consumer Action Law Centre’s Do Not Knock campaign notched up another win today, with Origin Energy announcing it will stop using door to door selling by 30 September 2013. Origin’s announcement comes...

Submission: Water Price Review 2013-2018

Consumer Action and the Consumer Utility Advocacy Centre Ltd have made a joint submission to the Metropolitan and Regional Businesses Water Plans for 2013-2018. Our comments in this submission apply...

On the Wire: edition 33

Consumer action has published the October edition of On the Wire, a quarterly publication featuring updates on national energy market reforms and regulatory processes. Edition 33 can be found here....

Motor Finance Wizard – general information

Use this fact sheet if you:  have a contract with Motor Finance Wizard and want more information. More information can be found in our related factsheets: Action Sheet: Motor Finance Wiza...

Motor Finance Wizard – Walker v DTGV1 Pty Ltd

Key Message: DTGV1 Pty Ltd, trading as V1 Leasing, is one of a number of companies which trade under the name of ‘Motor Finance Wizard’; in Walker v DTGV1 Pty Ltd, Motor Finance Wizard w...

Water debt

[box type="note" icon="none"] Use this information sheet if You are having problems paying your water bill Your water business is demanding that you pay more than you can afford You want to kno...

Electricity and gas debt

Use this information sheet if: you are having trouble paying your electricity or gas bill; or you want information about payment arrangements and your rights. You do have rights under the E...

July 2012

Home help has strings attached The Age, 25 July 2012, John Kavanagh Unpaid power bills going up The Age, 17 July 2012, Rachel Wells Avoid the stress zone on your home loan Sydney Morning Hera...

Private Colleges

Common themes emerging in consumer complaints about some private colleges and training institutions has prompted the Consumer Action  to publish a guide about common problems, how to avoid them and wh...

Motor Finance Wizard

Consumer Action campaigns against unfair practices by car traders. We've received numerous consumer complaints about the practices of Motor Finance Wizard, including: Sales targeting towards low-inc...

June 2012

Thrifty moves for plastic users The Age, 27 June2012, Clancy Yeates Warning as banks try hard-sell approach to credit card customers Herald Sun, 19 June 2012, Karina Barrymore Millions of Aust...

Working for a fairer energy market

Energy market reform Our work brings the consumer voice to the national energy market. Our advocacy draws on real consumer concerns —expressed through our casework services (legal and financial counse...