Consumer InterAction – Issue 3 of 2013

The third edition of Consumer InterAction for 2013 is now online. This edition includes information on: New Director of Policy & Campaigns announced; New tool to stop door knockers; Regulator...

Total replacement insurance for home buildings

Earlier this year our former CEO, Catriona Lowe, appeared on ABC TV's The Checkout suggesting that consumers look for total replacement cover when shopping around for insurance. Since then we've had a...

Joint submission: Credit Reporting Privacy Code

Consumer Action has, in conjunction with five other consumer and privacy advocate organisations, made a submission to the review of the Credit Reporting Code of Conduct. An industry code should be se...

May 2013

The power of flexibility Christine Long, 26 May 2013, The Age AGL launches ‘do not knock’ sticker campaign while fighting legal battle against stickers UmBRELLA, 23 May 2013, Nic Christensen A...

April 2013

Draft ruling by utilities regulator could mean water retailers slug customers with 25pc rise Herald Sun, 23 April 2013, Karen Collier Push for air conditioners to be fitted with remote switches...

New Report: Regulator Watch

Consumer Action believes that a regulatory scheme with well-designed rules will be ineffective in addressing industry or market-wide problems if it can only be enforced by individual consumers taking...

New Indigenous consumer education film released by ACCC

A new Indigenous consumer education film is now available from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). The film, ‘Six Simple Rules’, encourages Indigenous consumers to use their ref...

Nimble one cent loan could be setting you up to fail

A recent report looking at use of short-term cash loans showed half of borrowers interviewed had taken out more than ten loans in the previous two years, and three quarters of this group had taken out...

Consumer InterAction – Issue 2 of 2013

The second edition of Consumer InterAction for 2013 is now online. This edition includes information on: New Consumer Action CEO; Energy retailers end door-to-door sales; Review of Centrepay; Th...

New Report: Solving Problems – A Strategic Approach

This report is a joint project of the Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) and the Footscray Community Legal Centre (FCLC), who have asked Dr Liz Curran of the Australian National University t...

New CEO Appointment

The Board of Consumer Action Law Centre is very pleased to announce that Gerard Brody has been appointed CEO, following a rigorous recruitment process. Gerard has been the Director Policy and Campaig...

Mr Rental enters into enforceable undertaking

Mr Rental Australia Pty Ltd, a household goods rental business, has entered into an enforceable undertaking with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) under which it will provide...

ASIC’s strong action against Zaam Rentals welcomed

Consumer Action is pleased to see ASIC take strong action against credit licence holder Zaam Rentals – the cancellation of Zaam Rentals’ credit licence should act as a warning to other credit provider...

Revised Code of Banking Practice

Today marks the beginning of the revised Banking Code of Practice. The Code specifies how banks should treat their customers and represents a contract between the two parties, giving banking customers...

Submission: Water Price Review 2013-2018

Consumer Action and the Consumer Utility Advocacy Centre Ltd have made a joint submission to the Metropolitan and Regional Businesses Water Plans for 2013-2018. Our comments in this submission apply...

Consumer InterAction – Issue 1 of 2013

The first edition of Consumer InterAction for 2013 is now online. This edition features articles on: Proposed VCAT fees increases; Unfair contract terms extended to insurance industry; R...

Amendments to privacy legislation

Amendments to privacy legislation regulating credit reporting passed Federal Parliament late last year.  While the reforms won't come into effect until March 2014, lenders can already begin collecting...

January 2013

Water price rises may slow as report urges desal payback delay Herald Sun, 31 January 2013, Karen Collier How to cure Christmas credit hangover Herald Sun, 13 January 2013, Karina Barrymore Victoria...