Submission: Proposals to strengthen regulation of debenture companies
Consumer Action has provided a submission to the discussion paper, Banking Act exemptions and section 66 guidelines, published by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. The discussion paper p...
Submission: Joint Consumer Submission to the Water Price Review 2013 draft decision
We welcome the Essential Services Commission’s overall approach articulated in their Draft Decision on the Water Price Review 2013. In summary, this submission states as follows: 1. We are pleased th...
Joint Submission: Changes to Disclosure Requirements under the National Consumer Protection Act 2009
Consumer Action and the Consumer Credit Legal Centre welcomes Treasury's approach of basing revised disclosure on the findings made by the Uniquest report. Uniquest was commissioned by the Standing Co...
Joint submission: Credit Reporting Privacy Code
Consumer Action has, in conjunction with five other consumer and privacy advocate organisations, made a submission to the review of the Credit Reporting Code of Conduct. An industry code should be se...
Submission: The exemption of retailers from the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009
Consumer Action has made a submission on Treasury's Discussion paper regarding the exemption of retailers from the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009. Briefly, this submission: supports o...
Submission: Commonwealth Treasury consumer leases issues paper
Consumer Action has made a submission to the Commonwealth Treasury on regulation of consumer leases. The submission argues that the purpose of any reform of regulation of consumer leases should be to:...
Submission: Exposure Drafts of the National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Credit Reform Phase 2) Bill 2012
The Consumer Action Law Centre welcomes the opportunity to comment on the draft National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Credit Reform Phase 2) Bill 2012. Briefly, this submission: strongly s...
Submission: Federal Government’s independent review of Centrepay, Centrelink’s voluntary bill-paying service
The Consumer Action Law Centre welcomes the opportunity to comment on the independent review of the Centrepay system. Consumer Action believes that Centrepay can be a valuable financial management too...
Submission: ASIC Consultation Paper on an online database for small amount lenders
Joint submission with Financial Counselling Australia and the Consumer Credit Legal Service (WA) to ASIC's Consultation Paper on an online database for small amount lenders. The Consumer Action Law Ce...
Submission: Proposed variation to Numbering Plan – charges for calls to free-phone and local rate numbers
Consumer Action believes the Australian Communications and Media Authority's proposal of amending the numbering plan to make 1800 numbers free of charge and 13 and 1300 numbers (hereafter '13 numbers'...
Submission: Essential Services Commission Victoria Harmonised Energy Retail Code
The signatories to this submission represent the interests of the majority of Victorian residential and small business energy consumers – being particularly cognizant of the special needs of low incom...
Submission: Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Fees Regulations
Consumer Action welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Department of Justice’s Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) for the proposed Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Fees Regulations. In...
Submission: Limited merits review of decision-making in the electricity and gas regulatory frameworks
Consumer Action's submission to the Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement on the framework for limited merits review of decision-making in electricity and gas regulation argues that Option 3, Amend...
Submission: Water Price Review 2013-2018
Consumer Action and the Consumer Utility Advocacy Centre Ltd have made a joint submission to the Metropolitan and Regional Businesses Water Plans for 2013-2018. Our comments in this submission apply...
Submission: Taxi Industry Inquiry—Response to Final Report
Consumer Action has made a submission on the Taxi Industry Inquiry’s Final Report, Customers First—Service, Safety, Choice. This report is an important one. The taxi industry is one where consumers...
Submission: Single pricing requirements – proposal to exempt restaurants and cafes
Consumer Action welcomes the opportunity to comment on the proposed amendments to the Australian Consumer Law in Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2012 (Cth). Precedent of exemptions wit...
Submission: Consumer Affairs Victoria’s review of section 32 of the Sale of Land Act
Consumer Action’s submission to Consumer Affairs Victoria's review of section 32 of the Sale of Land Act makes the following general points: we support efforts to reduce regulatory burden, but cutti...
Submission: Electricity network regulatory frameworks—Productivity Commission draft report
Consumer Action has responded to the Productivity Commission's Draft Report on Electricity Network Regulatory Frameworks. We have found the Commission‘s review of the Electricity Network Regulatory F...
Submission: Review of debt agreements under the Bankruptcy Act 1966 – Proposals Paper
Consumer Action has made a submission to the Review of Debt Agreements under the Bankruptcy Act 1966 proposals paper. Our submission: reiterates our recommendation that the Bankruptcy Act should be...
Submission: Consumer lease reform
Consumer Action has made a submission to Commonwealth Department of Treasury on cost disclosure and termination fees in consumer lease contracts. The submission argues that: there is no difference...
Submission: Review of Limited Merits Review for Energy Pricing Determinations
Consumer Action has provided a submission to the Standing Council on Energy & Resources on the Final Report of the Expert Panel set up to examine the Limited Merits Review Regime for energy determ...
Supplementary Submission: Senate Select Inquiry on Electricity Pricing
Consumer Action has written to the Senate Select Committee on Electricity Prices in response to the written questions it provided on 5 October 2012. The committee has asked the following questions:...
Submission: The definition of ‘terms contract’ under the Sale of Land Act 1962
Consumer Action has provided comment on Consumer Affairs Victoria's discussion paper on the definition of 'terms contract' under the Sale of Land Act 1962. We have argued that: the 2008 amendment t...
Submission: Australian Energy Market Commission’s Power of Choice Review, Draft Report
In this submission, Consumer Action argues that the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has not adequately considered many of the practical implications of proceeding with its recommendations,...