Submission: Unconscionable Conduct Issues Paper

Consumer Action welcomes the opportunity to provide comment to the inquiry process established by the Government to examine options for clarifying the unconscionable conduct provisions of the Trade Pr...

Submission: National Human Rights Consultation

We welcome the opportunity to provide these comments on the National Human Rights Consultation to the Australian Government. We further commend the government on its action to ensure this important is...

Media release: Rogue broker not so affordable

Consumer Action Law Centre has launched legal action against finance broker Affordable Home Loans and Mortgage Advice Pty Ltd (Affordable Home Loans) and its director, William Curry, on behalf of a cl...

Policy report: Reclaiming community legal centres

Nicole Rich, Director – Policy & Campaigns, was awarded the Victoria Law Foundation’s 2007/08 Community Legal Centre Fellowship. This is the final report of her Fellowship project.The report discu...