Submission: Financial System Inquiry Final Report
The Financial System Inquiry (FSI) Final Report was released in December 2014. Consumer Action has made a submission to the Treasury as part of consultation on the final report. A full copy of our su...
Submission: Australian Law Reform Commission’s “Freedoms Inquiry”
Consumer Action has made a submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission’s Issues Paper 46 Traditional Rights and Freedoms—Encroachments by Commonwealth Laws. This submission recommends that when...
Submission: Private vocational education and training providers in Australia
Consumer Action has provided comment to the Senate Education and Employment Committees on the operation, regulation and funding of private vocational education and training (VET) providers in Australi...
Submission: 2015 Retail Competition Review Approach Paper
Consumer Action has provided input to the Australian Energy Market Commission's 2015 Retail Competition Review Approach Paper. Effective competition is critical for energy consumers to the extent that...
Submission: Regulating innovative energy selling business models
Consumer Action has made a submission to Australian Energy Regulator about regulating innovative energy selling business models under the National Energy Retail Law. The issue of appropriate regulati...
Submission: Interim report on Retail Life Insurance Advice
Consumer Action, Financial Rights Legal Centre, Choice and Maurice Blackburn Lawyers have provided comment on the Interim report on Retail Life Insurance Advice. In brief, the submission argues:...
Submission: 2015-16 Federal Budget
Consumer Action welcomes the Government’s invitation to the Australian community to provide input to the 2015-16 Commonwealth Budget. We continue to be mindful of the current economic conditions and...
Submission: National Approach to Electricity Network Tariff Reform
Consumer Action and the Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre have provided input to the Energy Networks Association's position paper, Towards a National Approach to Electricity Network Tariff Reform. O...
Submission: Facilitating electronic financial services disclosure
Consumer Action has provided a submission on the Australian Securities and Investments Commission's Consultation Paper 224: Facilitating electronic financial services disclosure. Our responses to the...
Submission: Legal Services Council’s consultation on General Rules
Consumer Action and Financial Rights Legal Centre have made a joint submission to the Legal Services Council's consultation on the proposed General Rules under the Legal Profession Uniform Law. Our s...
Submission: Law Council of Australia’s consultation on Uniform Rules
Consumer Action and Financial Rights Legal Centre have made a joint submission to the Law Council of Australia's current consultation on the proposed Legal Practice Rules (Solicitors) and Legal Profes...
Submission: The performance and management of electricity network companies
Consumer Action welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications about the performance and management of electricity network companie...
Submission: 2015 Retail Competition Review Approach Consultation Paper
Consumer Action welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the approach to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) 2015 Retail Competition Review. Effective competition is critical for ener...
Submission: Competition Policy Review Draft Report
Consumer Action has provided comment on the Draft Report of the Competition Policy Review. Key points We agree that an effective competition policy must be focused on making markets work in the lon...
Submission: Revisions to the Telecommunications Consumer Protections Industry Code
Consumer Action has provided the following thoughts on the proposed revisions to the Communications Alliance Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Industry Code (DR C628:2014). Duplication bet...
Submission: Energy Green Paper
Consumer Action has provided the following submission to the Department of Industry on the Energy Green Paper. Australia’s energy market is rapidly changing, with the unprecedented fall in energy d...
Submission: Key Recommendations arising from the Review of Enforcement Regimes under the National Energy Laws Final Report
Consumer Action has provided comment on the Discussion Paper on Key Recommendations arising from the Review of Enforcement Regimes under the National Energy Laws Final Report. Consumer Action provided...
Submission: AEMC Rule Change on Distribution Network Pricing Arrangements Draft Determination
Consumer Action, Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre and Victorian Council of Social Service have provided input into the AEMC's draft determination on distribution network pricing arrangements. Our o...
Submission: Retailer Price Variations in Market Retail Contracts
Consumer Action and Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre have made a supplementary submission on the Australian Energy Market Commission's Draft Rule Determination: Retailer Price Variations in Market...
Media release: Competition Policy Review Draft Report welcomed, but panellists urged to consider consumer experience and protection
Consumer Action Law Centre has welcomed the Competition Policy Review Draft Report and its emphasis ‘on protecting competition and not competitors.’ But Consumer Action will be asking the review’s pan...
Submission: AEMC Rule Change on Customer Access to Information about their Energy Consumption
As in Consumer Action's previous submission to the consultation paper, we agree with the premise of the rule change that 'in practice it is difficult for customers to access their data from market par...
Submission: The Forrest Review and the Healthy Welfare Card
Consumer Choice We have concerns that forcing welfare recipients to receive and spend their benefits on a certain card will adversely affect their consumer choice. By limiting their ability to pay wit...
Submission: Financial System Inquiry – Improving Consumer Disclosure
The Financial System Inquiry Interim Report notes that the current disclosure regime for retail financial products and services is not always effective in meeting its objective. It produces complex an...
Submission: National Energy Retail Amendment (Retailer price variations in market retail contracts) Rule 2014 Draft Determination
Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre (CUAC) and Consumer Action are pleased that the Australian Energy Market Commission – and other bodies, such as the Australian Energy Regulator, Energy Retailers Ass...