General Insurance Code Governance Committee 2024-25 monitoring priorities

This is a joint submission from Consumer Action Law Centre and WEst Justice.

Consumer Action and WEstJustice recommend that the Committee consider the following areas for monitoring or compliance work, based on trends we see in our casework relating to general insurance products.

Claims handling misconduct
We note the Committee intends to commence or progress targeted investigations in claims handling for the rest of the financial year. We encourage the Committee to continue this important work into 2024-2025.

Claims handling misconduct is systemic and multifaceted. It has a significant impact on a consumer’s journey to seek redress. Poor claims handling leads to poor claims decisions – policy holders are prevented from fully engaging in the process and frequently accept outcomes that are less than they deserve.

Read the full submission (PDF).

Consumer Action West Justice CGC 2024-25 Monitoring & Compliance Priorities Consultation

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