Debt collection

Consumer Action regularly receives complaints from consumers that are persistently contacted by debt collectors. In our experience, most debtors that contact our services have a genuine desire to repa...

You wont sleep well after these sleep seminars

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Submission: Interest free disclosure method (Treasury)

Submission to Commonwealth Treasury regarding proposed regulation on proper disclosure of ‘interest free’ credit card offers. To read our submission, please click: Interest Free Disclosure Method...

Exploitative credit— payday loans and consumer leases

Financial inclusion is not only about access to financial services, but protection from exploitative products that are inappropriate to consumers' needs. Over the last three years, we have campaigned...

Do Not Knock—stopping unwanted door-to-door salespeople

Door-to-door salespeople often use high-pressure tactics to get people to buy products they don’t want, don’t need, and can’t afford. We’ve heard of cases where people have been deliberately misled, a...

Your right to return goods bought online

In January 2011, the Australian Government introduced legal protections for consumers buying goods or services called ‘consumer guarantees’. Consumer Guarantees ensure that you can get a refund, repla...

Getting the most out of the new Australian Consumer Law

The Australian Consumer Law came into effect on 1 January 2011. It harmonises consumer protection and fair trading legislation nationally, and introduces new national unfair contract terms protections...

Media release: Is eBay selling consumers short?

The Consumer Action Law Centre has taken its concerns about outdated and potentially misleading information on to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) after eBay Inter...

Policy report: Barriers to fair network prices

A new report released by the Consumer Action Law Centre and the Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre, shows electricity distribution companies are routinely challenging pricing determinations made by th...