Submission: Energy White Paper 2014

Consumer Action was pleased to have the opportunity to comment on the Energy White Paper 2014. Our submission is available here....

Submission: 2014-15 Federal Budget

Consumer Action welcomes the Government’s invitation to the Australian community to provide input to the 2014-15 Commonwealth Budget. We are mindful of the current economic conditions and their imp...

Submission: Do Not Call Register – registration period

Consumer Action support removing the registration period for the Do Not Call Register  so that registration is indefinite (Option Three in the Discussion Paper[i]). Customers actively opt out of unsol...

Submission: Changes to Credit Ombudsman Scheme Rules

Consumer Action had provided comment on the Credit Ombudsman Service’s proposes changes to COSL Rules: 9th Edition. We commend the Credit Ombudsman Service on its drafting of the proposed changes, mo...

Submission: ACCC / ASIC Debt Collection Guideline

Consumer Action has provided comment on the review of the ACCC / ASIC Debt Collection Guideline for Collectors and Creditors. The revised draft Guideline is a significant improvement on the existing...

Submission: Carbon tax repeal legislation

Consumer Action generally does not support repeal of the legislation that is not linked to imposing a price on carbon emissions, given the dire consequences for Australians from predicted impacts of c...

Submission: Access to Justice Arrangements

Consumer Action has provided a submission to the Productivity Commission on its Issues Paper, Access to Justice Arrangements. The key points and recommendations made in this submission are: The inq...

Joint submission: Credit Reporting Privacy Code

Consumer Action has, in conjunction with five other consumer and privacy advocate organisations, made a submission to the review of the Credit Reporting Code of Conduct. An industry code should be se...

Submission: Water Price Review 2013-2018

Consumer Action and the Consumer Utility Advocacy Centre Ltd have made a joint submission to the Metropolitan and Regional Businesses Water Plans for 2013-2018. Our comments in this submission apply...