Submission: AEMC Governance Amendment Bill 2017

Consumer Action was one of a number consumer advocacy groups that made a joint submission to the Review of Governance Arrangements for Australian Energy Markets recommending the Energy Council underta...

Junk warranties: Your time is up

Consumer Action Law Centre says a class action to be launched against Australia’s biggest extended car warranty company shows rubbish warranties have had their day. International law firm Quinn Ema...

Consumer Action responds to Finkel

In response to the release of the Independent Review of the Future Security of the National Energy Market (the Finkel Blueprint), Consumer Action Law Centre makes the following comments: Recommenda...

Submission on AEMC’s rule change process guidance

Our analysis of the problems faced as a consumer group seeking to change the NERR, and our recommendations to make the process more transparent and less onerous for proponents, are extensively detaile...

People who help people

'People who help people' provides practical steps consumer advocates and financial counsellors can take to demonstrate their impact and better influence public debate. Consumer advocates and financ...

Refunds for Motor Finance Wizard customers

Consumer Action Law Centre has applauded the corporate regulator for securing an enforceable undertaking (EU) against second-hand car financier Motor Finance Wizard (MFW). The EU will see the problem...

Submission: ASIC Financial Services Panel

The Consumer Action Law Centre  is pleased to provide a submission in response to Consultation Paper 281 regarding the proposal to establish a Financial Services Panel (the Panel). Given the apparent...

Response to the Victorian Budget 2017

Regarding family violence measures in the Victorian Budget Attributable to Jillian Williams, Co-Director of Legal Practice: The financial impact of family violence is profound and often hidden. Th...

Gerard Brody responds to the Sedgwick Review

In response to the release of the Australian Bankers’ Association Retail Banking Remuneration Review (the Sedgwick Review), Gerard Brody, CEO of Consumer Action Law Centre said: “This report represen...

Response: Australian Consumer Law Review Final Response

Today the Australian Consumer Law Review Final Report was released, and consumer advocates say there are some great wins for Australians. Consumer Action Law Centre CEO Gerard Brody said that some im...

Community Legal Centres face funding cut from July 1

UPDATE: The Federal Government has announced a reversal of the planned cuts. However, Community Legal Centres are still facing a surge in community need that the Productivity Commission estimates requ...

120 day delay inflicting greater payday pain

Consumer groups call for the Federal Government to take immediate action to protect payday loan and lease borrowers. The Consumers Federation of Australia, CHOICE, Consumer Action Law Centre, Financi...

Retirement villages in Australia – Life Matters

When people get older and start thinking about downsizing, retirement villages are an option many consider. However, it may be worth doing some research and assessing all of the associated costs befor...

Mortgage broker mayhem

CHOICE and the Consumer Action and Financial Rights Legal Centre are calling on the federal government to act on conflicted remuneration in the mortgage market following an ASIC report that found wide...

How to avoid a credit card debt disaster

Did you know that Australians owe over $50 billion (and rising) on their credit cards? Here are some tips from Consumer Action Law Centre CEO Gerard Brody on how we can stop Australians’ love of credi...