Supplementary Submission: ACCC New Car Inquiry
Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) welcomes the opportunity to make a supplementary submission to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) New Car Retailing Inquiry. Our sup...
Submission: National Water Reform
Water is arguably the most essential of services: without it we would not live. Most of us access water every day for drinking, cooking, washing/hygiene and efficient removal of waste. For some though...
Submission in response to National Energy Retail Amendment (Notification of the end of a fixed benefit period) Rule 2017 Rule Change Consultation Paper
The strategies involved in the proposed Rule Change, and in previous work outlined in the Commission’s consultation paper, reflect policymakers’ continued pursuit of trying to improve the effectivenes...
Litigation Funding and Group Proceedings: Consultation Paper
Consumer Action Law Centre welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Victorian Law Reform Commission’s Consultation Paper on Litigation Funding and Group Proceedings. This is an important and broad...
Inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Cashless Debit Card) Bill 2017: Submission
Consumer Action joins with FamilyCare Shepparton to make this submission. Shepparton is the only Victorian community that is currently subject to income management, a policy similar to the Cashless De...
Treasury Laws Amendment (Putting Consumers First—Establishment of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority) Bill 2017
Consumer advocates are very supportive of the move to a one-stop shop external dispute resolution (EDR) scheme that implements the considered recommendations of the Review of the Financial System Exte...
Submission: Open Banking Review
Consumer Action Law Centre, Financial Rights Legal Centre and Financial Counselling Australia are pleased to make this submission in response to the Open Banking Review Issues Paper. We acknowledge t...
Submission: Inquiry into Competition in the Australian Financial System
The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action), Financial Counselling Australia (FCA) and the Financial Rights Legal Centre (Financial Rights) have welcomed the Productivity Commission’s review of c...
Submission: New Car Retailing Industry ACCC Draft Report
Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) is pleased to make this submission to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) new car retail industry market study draft report (the Draf...
Proposed changes to TIO Terms of Reference
ACCAN and Consumer Action Law Centre made a joint submission to the consultation on proposed changes to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) terms of reference. We are pleased that the TIO...
Review of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Review of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (NVETR Act). Consumer Action ha...
Submission: Credit card reform exposure draft legislation
The Consumer Action Law Centre is pleased to comment on the exposure draft Treasury Laws Amendment (2017 Measures No. 8) Bill 2017: Credit card reforms (the Bill) and National Consumer Credit Protecti...
Submission: Comment: Towards a transparent public reporting regime for life insurance claims information
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Discussion Paper Towards a transparent public reporting regime for life insurance claims information, outlining the options and issues involved in the n...
Submission: Comment on ASIC CP 284: Example statement of advice for life insurance—Update to RG 90
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on ASIC’s draft Regulatory Guide 90: Example statement of advice: Scaled advice for new customer and Consultation Paper 284. We appreciate the complex and exte...
Submission: APRA powers for non-ADI lenders
The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) and CHOICE have made a joint submission on the draft Treasury Laws Amendment (Non-ADI Lender Rules) Bill 2017 (the draft Bill). We support the proposa...
Submission: Banking Executive Accountability Regime
Consumer Action Law Centre has supported CHOICE's submission on the proposed Banking Executive Accountability Regime. We strongly welcome the intent of these reforms. The community rightly expects tha...
Comment on ASIC proposed ban on flex-commissions
Thank you for the opportunity to make additional comments on the proposed ASIC Credit (Flexible Credit Cost Arrangements) Instrument banning flex-commissions. Consumer Action supports this proposal. I...
Submission: Data Governance Australia Draft Code of Practice
The collection, use and management of data by companies is of significant and growing interest for consumer advocates. We welcome industry efforts to better protect and promote the rights of people wh...
Submission: Internal Dispute Resolution in Retirement Villages
We welcome Consumer Affairs Victoria’s interest in improving internal dispute resolution processes in retirement villages, and believe that the reforms suggested will likely result in some improvement...
Submission: Black Economy Taskforce Interim Report
Contributors to this submission have supported and represented thousands of consumers over many years. We support the overall intention of the Taskforce, which is to develop an ‘innovative, forward-lo...
EDR Review Supplementary Issues Paper – Last resort compensation for victims of financial misconduct
A series of financial scandals have left many Australians out of pocket and in some cases, resulted in the loss of the family home or a secure retirement. Scandals have not just occurred in relation t...
Submission to ACCC inquiry into retail electricity supply and pricing Issues Paper
Electricity has traditionally been a regulated essential service that occupied a stable portion of Australian consumers' living expenses. Until relatively recently, they have not had to exert time or...
EDR Review – Treasury Laws Amendment (External Dispute Resolution) Bill and Regulations 2017 exposure draft
Consumer advocates welcome the move to a one-stop shop external dispute resolution (EDR) scheme for all disputes in the financial system. Read the full submission here [PDF]...
Submission: AEMC Governance Amendment Bill 2017
Consumer Action was one of a number consumer advocacy groups that made a joint submission to the Review of Governance Arrangements for Australian Energy Markets recommending the Energy Council underta...