Submission: APRA powers for non-ADI lenders

The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) and CHOICE have made a joint submission on the draft Treasury Laws Amendment (Non-ADI Lender Rules) Bill 2017 (the draft Bill). We support the proposa...

Submission: Banking Executive Accountability Regime

Consumer Action Law Centre has supported CHOICE's submission on the proposed Banking Executive Accountability Regime. We strongly welcome the intent of these reforms. The community rightly expects tha...

Comment on ASIC proposed ban on flex-commissions

Thank you for the opportunity to make additional comments on the proposed ASIC Credit (Flexible Credit Cost Arrangements) Instrument banning flex-commissions. Consumer Action supports this proposal. I...

Submission: Black Economy Taskforce Interim Report

Contributors to this submission have supported and represented thousands of consumers over many years. We support the overall intention of the Taskforce, which is to develop an ‘innovative, forward-lo...

Submission: AEMC Governance Amendment Bill 2017

Consumer Action was one of a number consumer advocacy groups that made a joint submission to the Review of Governance Arrangements for Australian Energy Markets recommending the Energy Council underta...

Submission on AEMC’s rule change process guidance

Our analysis of the problems faced as a consumer group seeking to change the NERR, and our recommendations to make the process more transparent and less onerous for proponents, are extensively detaile...

Submission: ASIC Financial Services Panel

The Consumer Action Law Centre  is pleased to provide a submission in response to Consultation Paper 281 regarding the proposal to establish a Financial Services Panel (the Panel). Given the apparent...
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