The energy market is failing struggling Victorians

Victoria’s energy market is failing our most vulnerable people, according to Consumer Action Law Centre. With the release of the Essential Services Commission’s Energy Hardship Inquiry Draft Report to...

How do I claim a refund for a used car warranty?

Are you unhappy with a used car warranty you bought? Read the following to complain and ask for a refund. Step one: Download our template letter here (Microsoft Word document) It will be useful to h...

VET Funding Review – Issues Paper Submission

The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) welcomes the opportunity to comment on consultation questions on the future directions outlined in the VET Funding Review Issues Paper. Download our f...

Housing Decisions of Older Australians

The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action), Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG), Residents of Retirement Villages Victoria (RRVV) and Council on the Ageing Victoria (COTA Vic) welcome the o...

Private VET providers: Supplementary submission

The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) welcomes the opportunity to provide a supplementary submission on the operation, regulation and funding of private vocational education and training (V...

New protections for VET students welcomed

New vocational education & training guidelines will protect students enrolled in courses involving VET FEE-HELP student loans. From 1 January 2016, students will benefit from new protections safeg...

Fake discounts must end: Consumer Action

Energy companies regularly offer discounts to Australians, but these “discounts” often hide the true costs faced by customers. According to the Australian Market Energy Commission’s latest Retail Comp...

Junk Insurance and Rubbish Warranties

You might have bought something useless and don’t even know it. If you’ve purchased a used car or taken out a credit card or loan, you may have paid for some junk insurance or a rubbish warranty that...

Submission: VET Funding Review

The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) welcomes the opportunity to comment on how to improve the quality, stability and sustainability of the Victorian training market. Read our full submis...

Submission: Privacy and trust in the new energy market

Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) welcomes the opportunity to provide input the Energy Market Reform Working Group's (EMRWG) paper, New products and services in the electricity market—consu...

On the Wire: April 2015

Consumer action has published the April edition of On the Wire, a quarterly publication featuring updates on national energy market reforms and regulatory processes. Edition 42 can be found here....

Submission: Energy Green Paper

Consumer Action has provided the following submission to the Department of Industry on the Energy Green Paper. Australia’s energy market is rapidly changing, with the unprecedented fall in energy d...