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Submission: AEMC Governance Amendment Bill 2017

Consumer Action was one of a number consumer advocacy groups that made a joint submission to the Review of Governance Arrangements for Australian Energy Markets recommending the Energy Council underta...

Consumer Action responds to Finkel

In response to the release of the Independent Review of the Future Security of the National Energy Market (the Finkel Blueprint), Consumer Action Law Centre makes the following comments: Recommenda...

Submission on AEMC’s rule change process guidance

Our analysis of the problems faced as a consumer group seeking to change the NERR, and our recommendations to make the process more transparent and less onerous for proponents, are extensively detaile...

Time to abolish unfair energy appeals

At their meeting in Melbourne this week, Energy Ministers from around the country will consider an issue that has the potential to save households and businesses hundreds of millions of dollars each y...

Power price shock – fake discounts gouge Victorians

Energy price rises announced today will hit Victorians hard as the Consumer Action Law Centre warns energy companies to remember that their product is an essential service. "Over 60,000 Victorians...

Transition to Metering Competition in Victoria

The Alternative Technology Association (ATA), Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action), and Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre (CUAC) welcome the opportunity to respond to the Energy Policy and Pr...

General Exemption Order Review

Consumer Action has joined with Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre to make a submission to the Department of Land, Water and Planning Position Paper on the General Exemptions Order. The Paper proposes...

Power Transformed

The rapid development of new technology in electricity supply is disrupting the traditional means of delivery of this essential service. As in other sectors, the consumer is at the heart of these chan...

Power Transformed

The rapid development of new technology in electricity supply is disrupting the traditional means of delivery of this essential service. As in other sectors, the consumer is at the heart of these chan...

AER Electricity Ring-Fencing Guideline

Ring-fencing is undertaken when a monopoly business also operates in a contestable market, and some form of functional separation is deemed necessary to ensure the market remains competitive. Read...

Submission to the Energy Hardship Inquiry Draft Report

Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the Essential Services Commission's (the Commission) Inquiry into the financial hardship arrangements of ene...

Energy disconnections: Rod’s story

When his electricity was disconnected in late 2014, Rod lived with his wife and four of his seven children in Melbourne’s north. The disconnection lasted four days. Rod says the automatic payments he’...

Energy disconnections: Lyn’s story

Lyn is 58 years old. She lives with her daughter in Melbourne’s north, and they have experienced several energy disconnections. Lyn is a survivor of domestic violence, and her financial problems stem...

Energy disconnections: Sarah’s story

Sarah is a writer in her forties. She lives by herself in an inner Melbourne apartment, which she rents privately. With a tertiary degree and regular work, Sarah had always been able to manage her fin...

Energy disconnections: Emira’s story

Emira lives in public housing in regional Victoria with her young son, Jack. At 27, she has faced significant challenges in her life: she left a violent family home at 14, and has since found herself...

AEMC Multiple Trading Relationships Consultation Paper

The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the AEMC's consultation paper on Multiple Tradition Relationships (MTR) in the National Electricity Mark...