Life insurance overdue for change

Consumer Action Law Centre says that proposed changes from the life insurance industry (welcomed by Assistant Treasurer Josh Frydenberg) to overhaul excessive commission structures and questionable ad...

Stop builders turning dream homes into nightmares

Gerard Brody, CEO of Consumer Action says that building a home is turning into a nightmare for too many Victorians. "Building your own home is a dream for many Victorians, but too often it can turn i...

Submission: Sharing the future

The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) welcomes the opportunity to comment on Sharing the future: Getting the policy right in the Age of the App. We are generally supportive of new business...

Retirement villages

In our experience, Retirement Village contracts can be extremely complex and contract terms around fees and exit entitlements can lack transparency. Different types of retirement accommodation can als...

Competition Policy Review Final Report

Consumer Action has made a submission to the Federal Treasury’s consultation on the Competition Policy Review Final Report. In summary, the submission argues: • Competition policy should promote the...

Debt collection industry can still do more

Consumer Action Law Centre welcomes the release of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s Debt Collection Industry Research Report released today, but says the industry can still do much...

May 2015

Rogue energy door knocker tries to sign 12-year-old-girl to contract Herald Sun, May 1 2015 The creeping danger of Australian household's love affair with credit Sydney Morning Herald, May 2 2015...

Submission to the draft ACDBA Code of Practice.

The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the draft ACDBA Code of Practice (the Code). Read the submission in full here (PDF)....

Junk Insurance and Rubbish Warranties

You might have bought something useless and don’t even know it. If you’ve purchased a used car or taken out a credit card or loan, you may have paid for some junk insurance or a rubbish warranty that...

Submission: VET Funding Review

The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) welcomes the opportunity to comment on how to improve the quality, stability and sustainability of the Victorian training market. Read our full submis...

Submission: Privacy and trust in the new energy market

Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) welcomes the opportunity to provide input the Energy Market Reform Working Group's (EMRWG) paper, New products and services in the electricity market—consu...

April 2015

ANZ bank wins court appeal against late payment fees PM with Mark Colvin, 8 April, 2015 The vexed issue of payday loans, 8 April, 2015 Upfront fees will make it cheaper for consume...

On the Wire: April 2015

Consumer action has published the April edition of On the Wire, a quarterly publication featuring updates on national energy market reforms and regulatory processes. Edition 42 can be found here....

Submission: Financial System Inquiry Final Report

The Financial System Inquiry (FSI) Final Report was released in December 2014. Consumer Action has made a submission to the Treasury as part of consultation on the final report. A full copy of our su...

March 2015

Fee shock pushes pensioners to take on retirement industry The Age, 4 March 2015, Simon Johanson Think For Yourself: Short Term Loans Independent Australia, 3 March 2015, John Turnbull ‘They’re no d...