Protecting guarantors from financial abuse

In our feedback to the Banking Code Compliance Committee (BCCC) inquiry into banks’ compliance when accepting and enforcing guarantees, Consumer Action discusses our concerns with guarantee provision...

Who is making Australians bankrupt?

One of Australia’s largest debt collectors – Lion Finance (a subsidiary of ASX-listed Collection House Ltd) – turns to bankruptcy procedures to collect consumer debts far more often than its rivals, a...

Evaluation of Consumer Advice Service

The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the effectiveness of the service in helping clients achieve these immediate and longer-term outcomes, and to make recommendations for service improvement....

ASIC Consultation Paper 313: Product intervention power

We welcome the introduction of the product intervention power (PIP) and look forward to ASIC using the power to target businesses that cause consumer detriment by engaging in predatory conduct or fail...

Evaluation of Casework Service

The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the effectiveness of the service in helping clients achieve these immediate and longer-term outcomes and to make recommendations for service improvement....

Evaluation of National Debt Helpline

The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the effectiveness of the service in helping clients achieve immediate and medium-term outcomes, and to make recommendations for service improvement. A seco...

New Energy Tech Consumer Code ACCC application

Energy is an essential service and the energy system is rapidly transitioning to new technologies. Householders are finding it increasingly complex, confusing and risky to make decisions about their e...

Regulatory framework for new embedded networks

CALC is supportive of the AEMC’s proposed regulatory framework for new embedded networks, as equity in consumer protections should not be dependent on the business model of the supplier of energy. I...