Joint submission: Strengthening breach reporting

This is a joint consumer submission from Consumer Credit Legal Service (WA), CHOICE, Consumer Action Law Centre and Financial Rights Legal Centre. We strongly support proposed reforms to the breach re...

Establishing a Compensation Scheme of Last Resort

Consumer groups have made a joint submission to the Treasury’s Discussion Paper, Implementing Royal Commission Recommendation 7.1 – Establishing a Compensation Scheme of Last Resort (December 2019). T...

RBA Review of Retail Payments Regulation

The payments landscape has changed rapidly since the RBA’s last review of retail payment systems five years ago. The emergence of new payment schemes, such as buy now, pay later (BNPL) has skewed the...

Bushfire 2019-20 Support

As has been widely reported, we have never seen a bushfire crisis of this magnitude in Australia. Here is a list of ways you can give and receive support during this time.   Victorian Legal A...

Fairness must drive consumer policy in 2020

by Gerard Brody, CEO of Consumer Action Law Centre   Fairness will be the big issue in consumer policy during 2020. It is being talked about like never before. This follows on from Kenneth...

A dynamic year for consumer advocacy

There’s no denying that 2019 was a dynamic one for Consumer Action, bringing a wave of change for consumer rights in Australia. You can find out more about what we’ve been up to this past year in our...

The Debt Trap: How payday lending is costing Australians

The Debt Trap: How payday lending is costing Australians projected that the gross amount of payday loans undertaken in Australia will reach a staggering 1.7 billion by the end of 2019. It also found t...

Payday lenders: trusted friends or debt traps?

Need a loan? Research reveals social media users should be wary of payday lenders using digital platforms to peddle their wares to the vulnerable. If you have ever needed money in a hurry it may ha...